Introducing: LEGACY PRINTS of Malden, the old Malden Hospital & Fellsmere Park
OR RATHER, REINTRODUCING WORK from a century or more ago. Amid decades of growth and ongoing changes it's all too easy to forget the rich local history and efforts of visionaries who were committed to the health and well-being of Malden, Medford and the neighboring communities of greater Boston.
Now is as good a time as any to correct that by offering print reproductions from the public domain of the Olmsted Archives, the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center and Massachusetts Digital Commonwealth.
Proof positive that the good works of hospital founders Mary Edmands Converse and former mayors Elisha Slade Converse and J.K.C. Sleeper, journalist, advocate and urban planner Sylvester Baxter, landscape architect Charles Eliot and renowned granddaddy of American landscape architecture as we know it, Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr. and his sons John Charles Olmsted and Frederick Olmsted, Jr. were not only contemporaries, but were colleagues and collaborators who worked to improve our community through the creation of facilities and green, open space, supporting the health and well-being of everyday people and residents just like us.
We hope these reasonably priced, tastefully framed legacy prints remind present and future generations that we stand on the shoulders of those that have gone before us, while enjoying the fruit of their efforts. so that we strive to continue their good work in the present and in the future.
Get your Legacy Prints today, and while you're at it please take our survey, to support FoFH | Friends of Fellsmere Heights efforts for a community-based plan to reconnect the former Malden Hospital with Fellsmere Park & Pond, a 20-year loss we hope to repatriate and restore as an asset to our respective communities.
In gratitude,